Bicycling is booming - meanwhile the demand for new, innovative bikes is even greater than the supply. With the current gas prices considers now times the largest car fan, whether the way to work is not worthwhile with the wheel. We think: yes! And the bike industry can't complain about the new bike hype either. With sales of 6.56 billion euros, the second Corona year 2021 was again a record year for the two-wheeler industry in Germany. For comparison: 2019 "only" four billion euros were turned over.

By the way, of 4.7 million bikes sold, nearly two million had an electric drive - another new record for pedelecs/e-bikes. The sustainable bike sport has come to stay. Whether urban outdoors, in nature or in everyday life in the city: cycling is the easiest form of transportation. No wonder that also in the wearables and gadget scene around the bike always new innovations pop up.
We present the most important bike trends for the year 2022.
An average of about 150,000 bicycles are reported to insurers annually as stolen. On average, the amount of damage is well over 700 euros. It is therefore worth investing in a good bicycle lock. The latest highlight are locks that can be opened via app (e.g. the "Smart X 770A" from Abus). With these smart gadgets, the smartphone is the key. Via Bluetooth, the U-lock opens as if by magic when the owner approaches the bike. In addition to the ease of use, security is also on a new level: If the e-bike or bicycle is moved by a stranger, the lock shrills with an alarm sound at 100 decibel volume. By the way, the lock can also be unlocked for family members via app - then the purchase of the expensive lock is worthwhile several times over.
Instead of a bike computer, more and more bike freaks use smart smartwatches that combine many useful functions. The advantage: The smart helper on the wrist you always have automatically with you. And for multisport athletes, there are now many devices that can be used for jogging or swimming at the same time as a bike mode. When buying the all-rounders (e.g. from Suunto), cycling fans should pay attention to important details such as the synchronization option to Strava or other training programs, long battery life, heart rate measurement and calorie consumption or music playback options.

In times of horrendously rising fuel prices, the bike is becoming increasingly important, especially in the city, as a cost-cutting and sustainable means of transport. More and more cyclists want to use their bike therefore also multifunctional car replacement - including the transport of objects. On the famous TV show "Höhle der Löwen" recently inspired two 17-year-old high school graduates with their revolutionary 2bag bike bag. .When the bike ride is over, it's super easy to turn the bike bag into a backpack and continue running with it on your back. A really cool and practical gadget. Also strongly in the coming are load bikes - but not everyone can afford the sometimes thousands of euros expensive transport aids. That's why bike trailers that can be connected to the bike with a hitch are becoming increasingly popular in 2022. For example, for transporting children, dogs/pets or shopping. With a proper cargo trailer can easily transport 40 kilograms - the carless weekend shopping is thus secured.

With the road bike off-road? What a few years ago was still a ridiculed fringe phenomenon, is 2022 one of the biggest trends in the bike market. Top companies like Scott, Corratec or BH offer the Garvelbikes, with which you can be on the road with racing handlebars on a wide variety of surfaces. The trend in e-bikes is also moving in the direction of off-road terrain, where the vehicles are called SUV bikes to match their car role model. The top models from companies such as Mulls or Flyer combine complete equipment suitable for everyday use with wide tires. And already the two-wheeler with electric drive also works on rough gravel paths in the mountains.

Navigation apps such as Komoot or Bikemap have long been part of the standard program of digitalized bike fans. But there are now many more app offerings for almost every conceivable desire among cyclists. Bike Gear Calculator, for example, is an offer for sporty optimization fetishists. After entering information such as tire size and gear number, it recommends the perfect setup for the planned ride and terrain. The app also adapts its recommendations to the individual driving style. The Endur 8 app has a completely different task: depending on the tour, it reminds users to eat in good time and thus prevents them from getting tired during the ride. Of course, there is also an app for indoor bikers: Thanks to Zwift in combination with a turbo trainer plus screen, users can compete in real time with cyclists from all over the world via the Internet. Training plans and workouts are also available.

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