
Mega Trends Fall/Winter 2022/23

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With the world having been thrown a curveball with the spread of the coronavirus, the shock to established systems, lockdowns to businesses, and consumer movements have affected all industries in multiple ways.  

Moving forward, the Mega and Textile Trends for the sport and outdoor sectors for Fall/Winter 22/23, embrace a rally around attitude, the collective and community spirit that emerged during the lockdown.

Mega Trends Fall/Winter 2022/23 - TOGETHERNESS


Transparency returns as the ubiquitous word, replacing sustainability, as this now becomes the norm and not the exception. Transparency is key in tracking all through the supply chain the fair attitude and business along the way.

Mega Trends Fall/Winter 2022/23 - FAIR PLAY
ISPO Textrends


The desire for efficiency and on-target results continues, as adaptation and acceleration in performance fabrics become indispensable. Now is the time for health and fitness, with health not just focused on the physical benefits but the mental benefits too.

Mega Trends Fall/Winter 2022/23 - GAME ON
ISPO Textrends


We can’t avoid it, but the digital revolution is accelerating at record speed, especially as so many more consumers are now digi savvy, communicating through social media and various platforms with dynamic effects.

Mega Trends Fall/Winter 2022/23 - DESTINY
ISPO Textrends

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