Gold Winner | Snowsports Service End Consumer

Building on the now widely accepted Responsible Down Standard platform, TrackMyDown.com is Allied's next step in down industry traceability, sustainability, and education. TrackMyDown.com provides the ability for consumers to trace the down in their garment back to its source and provides the most up-to-date care information, all scannable at retail on the hangtag.
Available from: already on the market
Retail Price: 00.00 EUR
"This year’s Infrastructure & Service Endconsumer category showed once more that the creativity in our industry is as strong as ever. But TrackMyDown’s clever use of technology to demonstrate and encourage responsible sourcing set high standards and was a clear standout for the jury."
Matthew Barr, All Conditions Media

Each down lot is traceable with a unique number back to its origin in a unique interactive map, providing detailed information on the source and details of the down contained in each partner brand garment.