
The ISPO Public Choice Award Winner Has Been Announced

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A full ISPO Award Exhibition Area was waiting for the participants of the ISPO Award Gathering in the Future Lab! On the second day of ISPO Munich the winners of the ISPO Awards were honored. The highlight: The Public Choice Award goes to Muntagnard!

The winners of the ISPO Public Choice Award: Muntagnard

The ISPO Awards were waiting to finally get into the hands of the brands with the most innovative new products. The winners were already known in advance. However, the winner of the Public Choice Award was only announced at the show. The winner is chosen directly by the sports community of the ISPO Collaborators Club - so it's the end customer who decides! Winner of the ISPO Public Choice Award 2022: The Swiss brand Muntagnard and its MIUtec Iso Jacket

Co-founder and CEO Dario Pirovino is proud and sees the win as an incentive. He wants to develop further, even more innovative and sustainable products and successfully participate with them again in the ISPO Award.

ISPO Award Gathering 2022 - the Winning Brands in Pictures

New Concept of the ISPO Award Is Well Received

In 2022, the ISPO Award was redesigned. Highlight products and services from the industry will now be judged by a jury of experts not once, but a total of four times a year. This means that the award winners can be the focus of attention at both ISPO Munich and OutDoor by ISPO and receive international coverage.

The composition of the jury has also changed: In addition to experts from the sector and industry, active athletes test the products extensively and participate in the evaluation of the products. 

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ISPO Award Jury Member Andi Spies and Caro UpsideDown at the ISPO Award Gathering
Image credit:
Munich Trade Fairs Ltd.

The presentation of the winning products was another highlight: In elaborate videos, content creator Caro "Upsidedown" presented each product and its highlight features.

Here we have summarised all 97 winners for the entire ISPO Award year: