Sports Business/10/18/2017

Avalanche Airbags: Market Leader ABS Changes Owner

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Peter Aschauer is selling ABS Peter Aschauer GmbH to Spin Capital. The market leader in the avalanche airbags industry is being sold in whole to the Munich-based investment company. Stefan Mohr will become the new CEO.

ABS avalanche airbags: Stefan Mohr takes over from Peter Aschauer.
ABS avalanche airbags: Stefan Mohr takes over from Peter Aschauer.

Peter Aschauer is relinquishing operative responsibility, but will still be available to the company. It’s been a handover based on partnership, says the company. There will be no disclosure of further contractual details.

With ABS, a company has been taken over that has positioned itself as the market leader and is known for high-quality products, said Spin CEO Mohr. “We’d also like to carry on treading this path and make the brand fit for the future.” With that in mind, marketing activities should be invested in clearly, followed by expanding the product portfolio.

Avalanche airbag specialist is now called ABS Protection GmbH

“It was important to me to find a new owner who will continue the successful history of the avalanche airbag,” says ABS company founder Peter Aschauer, “For 30 years, ABS has been the epitome of quality and innovative strength – these cornerstones should stay standing from here on.”

As part of the takeover by Spin Capital, the avalanche airbag specialist will trade under the name of ABS Protection GmbH in the future. The company headquarters will remain in Gräfelfing near Munich, with production taking place in Gottfrieding, Lower Bavaria. The company intends to release further information in the near future. Spin Capital specializes in investments in the sports industry. Just like at ABS Protection, the company tends to also undertake active roles in management among its investments.

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