
Adidas launches new shopping app in Germany, France, Spain and Canada

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Adidas is now launching its shopping app "Adidas Sports&Style" on more markets With personally tailored content, customer wishes are to be better recognized. The app is a further step in the company's digitization strategy.

Adidas has launched its new shopping app in even more countries
Adidas has launched its new shopping app in even more countries

Adidas launched its shopping app "Adidas Sports& Style" last autumn in the USA and the UK. More than one million customers use the app. Now the service can also be found in the App Stores in Germany, France, Spain and Canada.

In the course of digitization, the app enables users to receive even more individual product recommendations based on the data provided. The following applies: the more active users use the app, the more personally attractive offers and content such as videos on athletes should be.

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Roland Auschel: "We are simply there, where our consumer is"

"The app will take preferred sizes and colors into account and show availability based on the consumer's country," explains Joseph Godsey, Head of Digital Brand Commerce at Adidas.

The app is another building block in the company's digitization efforts. At ISPO Munich 2018, Adidas Board Member Roland Auschel announced that eCommerce would be stepped up: "We are simply there, where our consumer is. And because our consumer has obviously chosen the digital sales channel, we are also systematically driving direct sales through our E-commerce platforms.”

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