Sports Business/01/16/2019

Nike Introduces New High-Tech Sneakers

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Nike takes on laces and presents sneakers that automatically change their fit via app. Already in February the smart shoes will be released.

Mithilfe der beiden Buttons am Schuh oder der App können User die Passform ändern.
Mithilfe der beiden Buttons am Schuh oder der App können User die Passform ändern.

Nike announces a revolution in sneaker comfort: On 17 February, the Nike Adapt BB, a sports shoe that automatically narrows or widens by pressing a button on the shoe or using an app, dynamically changing its fit, will be launched on the market.

“We picked basketball as the first sport for Nike Adapt intentionally because of the demands that athletes put on their shoes,” says Eric Avar, Nike VP Creative Director of Innovation. “During a normal basketball game the athlete’s foot changes and the ability to quickly change your fit by loosening your shoe to increase blood flow and then tighten again for performance is a key element that we believe will improve the athlete’s experience."

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Change fit vie App

After putting on the Nike Adapt BB, a special motor and gear train detect the tension required by the foot and adjust the shoe accordingly so that the foot has the perfect footing at all times. Manual shoe tying would be a thing of the past.

In addition, users can either press a button on the shoe or use the Nike Adapt App to change the fit of the shoe at any time. For example, looser and thus more convenient settings for timeouts are conceivable. Future firmware updates of the shoe as well as newer versions of the app will add new features in the future.

The Nike Adapt BB will be available in February for $350. Nike has already announced that it will use its Adapt system for other sports and leisure shoes in the future.

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