Sports Business/07/24/2017

Nike Promotes Monique Matheson to HR Manager - More Women on Executive Floor

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Nike has appointed another woman to the top level management: Monique Matheson is becoming HR Manager and Executive Vice President (EVP) of the sportswear company and will report directly to Nike boss Mark Parker. Matheson is the successor to David Ayre who is retiring after over ten years as head of the Human Resources department.

Nike wants to promote more women to manager roles.
Nike wants to promote more women to manager roles.

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Monique Matheson has already been at Nike for 19 years and was most recently in the role of Vice President, Nike informed in a press release: She was responsible for the areas of talent management, diversification and inclusion. 

With this promotion, Nike continues to pursue its self-defined objective of appointing more women to top level management positions. Along with Hilary Krane, Matheson is the second woman at Nike’s highest management level.

Video: Women power in the sports business:

Joscha Thieringer Author: Joscha Thieringer
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