Water sports/10/04/2018

Paddle industry meets in Nuremberg

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Whether canoeist, kayaker, stand-up paddler or surfer: everyone involved in these sports not only looks back on a long summer, but also meets from 5 to 7 October for the industry meeting in Nuremberg.

Nürnberg wird zum Mekka der Paddler
Nuremberg is going to be the paddle mecca

The Paddle Expo in Nuremberg is the Mecca for all water sports enthusiasts. Trade visitors, dealers and exhibitors are invited to the exhibition centre in Nuremberg. A total of almost 160 companies and almost 310 brands will be exhibiting on the grounds. That is a record.
An extensive supporting programme makes it easier for paddlers to exchange ideas and network. Two parties provide entertainment in the evenings. On Friday, various exhibitors will be inviting visitors to their stands. On Saturday there will be a big party with buffet, music and films.

OutDoor by ISPO with Paddlesport Village

In 2019, Paddle Expo will again take place in Nuremberg in October. Before that, however, there will be a Paddlesport Village at OutDoor by ISPO thanks to a cooperation between ISPO and Paddle Expo.

Paddlers and water sports enthusiasts will not miss out either at OutDoor by ISPO (from 30 June to 3 July 2019 on the grounds of Messe München).

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