Sports Business/04/12/2018

Puma and Usain Bolt present "world's fastest annual report"

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Puma presents its Annual Report 2017 in a creative way: Paired with Usain Bolt and his world record run, it is packed with numbers for 9.58 seconds. Also the 1st quarter 2018 is quite a sight for Puma.

Puma and Usain Bolt present the "world's fastest annual report".
Puma and Usain Bolt present the "world's fastest annual report".

At the Annual General Meeting, the sporting goods manufacturer Puma also presented what it claims to be "the world's fastest annual report". In the online version, users can watch the report 2017 in fast motion in a 9.58 second video at the same time as Puma athlete Usain Bolt's 100 meter world record run.

"Our goal is to be the fastest sports brand in the world - and this should of course also be reflected in our annual report," comments Ulf Santjer, Head of Corporate Communications at Puma, on the Puma and Publicis Pixelpark project: "A very special PUMA moment in 2017 was the last race of Usain Bolt at the World Championships in London and the memory of his breathtaking world record run in 9th place.58 seconds at the WM 2009 in Berlin. This year's annual report and video pays tribute to the world's fastest man and his numerous successes".

Good results in first quarter 2018

Puma also presented its preliminary results for the first quarter of 2018 and slightly raised its forecast for the 2018 financial year.

In the first quarter of 2018, consolidated currency-adjusted sales rose by around 21 percent to 1.131 billion euros. In the first quarter of 2017, they amounted to 1.005 billion euros. The operating result (EBIT) rose to approximately 112 million Euro in the first quarter of 2018 (Q1 2017: 70 million Euro).

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Puma adjusts annual forecast only slightly

Although sales and profitability rose sharply in the first quarter, Puma adjusted its forecast for 2018 as a whole only slightly due to uncertainties such as volatile exchange rates, political instability and unsettled trade relations between the USA and China.

Puma now expects currency-adjusted sales growth of between 10 and 12 percent (previous forecast: around 10 percent) and an operating result (EBIT) of between 310 and 330 million euros (previous forecast: 305 to 325 million euros). In addition, a significant improvement in consolidated net profit is expected for the full year 2018.

Puma will publish its full results for the first quarter with precise key figures for various segments and markets on April 24.