Sports Business/04/11/2018

Sport Scheck turns over 300 million euros

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The digital revolution is quickly paying off. Sport Scheck has changed over the online business in recent years and is thus growing again by one percent after more difficult years. Now the focus at the German Retailer is shifting to chain stores.

Sport Scheck presents improved figures for the 2017/18 financial year.
Sport Scheck presents improved figures for the 2017/18 financial year.

Sport Scheck, which belongs to the German Otto Group, generated total revenues of 300 million euros in the past financial year 2017/18. Sales are thus growing by one percent. According to the trading company, one important reason for this was the 12.6 percent increase in sales in online trading and the disproportionate growth in platform business.

In the branch business, however, like-for-like sales of Sport Scheck fell by one percent. So the company has no easy path ahead of it. In response, Markus Rech, CEO of the company, is changing the approach again.

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The proportion of new costumers increases by 27 percent

"After the online segment the branch business must now also be returned to profitability and growth," says Rech. "This step requires a reduction in costs on the one hand and an increase in productivity and sales performance on the other. We are sure that we will achieve both."

In the past two years, Rech, CEO since 2015, and his team have reorganized Sport Scheck. The product range was changed, the company and the other Otto Group companies were networked more closely in order to improve online trading. The proportion of new customers there is said to have increased by 27 percent since then.