
Tubolito: When a bicycle tube becomes high-tech

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Tubolito is one of the ISPO Brandnew Winners with its super-light and robust bicycle tubes. In an interview, founder Christian Lembacher explains how the idea came to him when changing the tubes at his bike.

Tubolitos innovativer Fahrradschlauch leuchtet in grellem Orange.
Tubolito's innovative bicycle tube glows in bright orange.

The Tubolito promise sounds too good  to be true: A completely new bicycle tube that is lighter than standard butyl tubes, but twice as robust.

The Austrian startup does not manufacture its tubes from rubber, but uses a thermoplastic elastomer, which is otherwise mainly used in medicine and the automotive industry. The advantages: Up to 100 grams less weight per wheel, a tube that fits into any pocket when rolled up - yet is twice as robust as a rubber tube.

Tubolito's innovation also convinced the jury of ISPO Brandnew, which awarded the Austrians as winner in the Accessories category at ISPO Munich 2018.

In an interview with, founder Christian Lembacher explains how he came up with the idea for the tube revolution and how difficult the laboratory tests were.

Tubolito idea came up during tube change How and when did you get the idea for the bicycle tube without rubber? Was there an experience of enlightenment?
Christian Lembacher:
While changing the inner tube on my own mountain bike, I wondered why inner tubes are made of rubber and not of a high-tech material, as is usual with loudspeaker membranes. The advantages were obvious: great robustness and very low weight. The idea for Tubolito was born.

What were the main steps and major obstacles to development?
We had difficulties in finding and defining laboratory tests in order to get as close as possible to practice and everyday reality and to apply them to an objective test. The product could only be continuously developed and improved through permanent tests. The focus on a product and simultaneous further development was also a certain challenge.

Tubolito: Practical tests extremely important

What are your three most important advices for other founders?

1) Everything takes longer and costs more than expected.

2) Provide product samples to customers in order to obtain a good and meaningful practical check. As conscientiously as testing is carried out, certain potential strengths and weaknesses of the product only become apparent in practice.

3) Customer acquisition

In retrospect, what would you do differently today?
A very big learning effect was to see that laboratory tests are very important and unavoidable, but at the same time can only partially illustrate the practical application. Practical tests and an efficient and effective response to their results are extremely important.

How difficult is it for young companies to establish themselves in their market segment?
This is very product-dependent. In any case, it is important to find an appropriate niche and grow within it.

The most exciting e-bike trends 2018/2019 in pictures

The E Bike Days took place in Munich from 25 to 27 May. was there and presents the latest trends of the e-bike world in pictures.
The Ruff Cycles Ruffian Black combines mobility with elegant design. Not only Harley-Davidson fans should get their money's worth with this sweeping retro look.
According to CMO Mark Ngauv, the Ruffian "often appeals to older men who also have a vintage car in their garage. They fall in love and want it now."
Stefan Schlie (right) was once a professional trial rider, but now enjoys e-bikes. Especially for longer off-road trips, he is a big fan of another trend: additional batteries as range extenders.
Haibike is leading the way in this trend, with one model, for example, it is possible to mount a second battery on the down tube. It has 1000 Wh and guarantees a double-length e-bike pleasure. Also for the first battery the Schweinfurters use a chic accommodation in the frame.
For its e-bike solutions, Bosch uses its "Dual Battery" system, which intelligently switches between two batteries housed in the frame.
E-bikes are becoming increasingly variable. For example, the technology company Continental has entered into a cooperation agreement with the Spanish postal service: This can now deliver shipments more sustainably and comfortably with load wheels from Bikelecing.
The E-Trikes should be able to cover up to 60 kilometres with one battery charge. Cooperation has started in five Spanish cities.
There are now convenient automatic gearshifts on the e-bike market: Continental, for example, has launched the first 48V engine with integrated, continuously variable automatic gearing in one drive unit with its 48 V eBike system.
Shared Economy has also arrived on the e-bike market. "This is a real trend, since many people are becoming more and more environmentally conscious. Meanwhile not only tourism regions use the rental offers, but increasingly also universities or companies", says Franziska Berger of Movelo. The environmentally friendly e-bike is also worth its weight in gold as a means of transport within large company premises.
The E Bike Days took place in Munich from 25 to 27 May. was there and presents the latest trends of the e-bike world in pictures.
The Ruff Cycles Ruffian Black combines mobility with elegant design. Not only Harley-Davidson fans should get their money's worth with this sweeping retro look.
According to CMO Mark Ngauv, the Ruffian "often appeals to older men who also have a vintage car in their garage. They fall in love and want it now."
Stefan Schlie (right) was once a professional trial rider, but now enjoys e-bikes. Especially for longer off-road trips, he is a big fan of another trend: additional batteries as range extenders.
Haibike is leading the way in this trend, with one model, for example, it is possible to mount a second battery on the down tube. It has 1000 Wh and guarantees a double-length e-bike pleasure. Also for the first battery the Schweinfurters use a chic accommodation in the frame.
For its e-bike solutions, Bosch uses its "Dual Battery" system, which intelligently switches between two batteries housed in the frame.
E-bikes are becoming increasingly variable. For example, the technology company Continental has entered into a cooperation agreement with the Spanish postal service: This can now deliver shipments more sustainably and comfortably with load wheels from Bikelecing.
The E-Trikes should be able to cover up to 60 kilometres with one battery charge. Cooperation has started in five Spanish cities.
There are now convenient automatic gearshifts on the e-bike market: Continental, for example, has launched the first 48V engine with integrated, continuously variable automatic gearing in one drive unit with its 48 V eBike system.
Shared Economy has also arrived on the e-bike market. "This is a real trend, since many people are becoming more and more environmentally conscious. Meanwhile not only tourism regions use the rental offers, but increasingly also universities or companies", says Franziska Berger of Movelo. The environmentally friendly e-bike is also worth its weight in gold as a means of transport within large company premises.

Goal: The perfect tube for every occasion

What are the next steps with Tubolito?
We have already expanded our product portfolio. Besides different mountain bike tubes we also have products for road bikes, cyclocross bikes and BMX. We also see ourselves as tube engineers with the vision of developing the perfect bicycle tube for every occasion.

How did you benefit from ISPO Brandnew? What feedback did you get directly at the fair?
In many exciting discussions and conversations we have received extremely valuable input. The media response was also great and certainly helped to make our brand better known.

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