You can make use of our hotel room service to speed up the hunt for suitable accommodation for your trade fair visit. The services will help you to find rooms and apartments to rent in close proximity to the trade fair venue and also in the whole Munich area. You can contact them by post, phone, or e-mail.
operated by
DER Touristik Deutschland GmbH
Emil von Behring Straße 6
60424 Frankfurt, Germany
Phone: +49 69 9588-3616
Fax: +49 69 9588-1913
E-mail: messe-muenchen@tradefairs.com
München Tourismus
Gäste- und Hotelservice
Herzog-Wilhelm-Straße 15
80331 Munich
Phone: +49 89 233-96500
E-mail: tourismus.gs@muenchen.de
Batschkastrasse 17
81825 Munich, Germany
Phone: +49 89 43739789
Fax: +49 89 43739788
E-mail: info@checkin-muenchen.de
City Guide Munich App
This free app is the ideal companion for visitors attending events at Trade Fair Center Messe München, the ICM -Internationales Congress Center München and the MOC – Event Center Messe München. It comes with picture galleries of our venues, arrival information and contact information.
The city guide features information about a number of hotels and restaurants that are suitable for trade-fair visitors and that can be sorted by price range, distance from the fair and other criteria.
If you want to find out about the best places to eat or go shopping in Munich, the following guides from Messe München should be able to provide you with all the tips you need.