
14 Things You Can Tell You're an Enthusiastic Runner By

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Many people have been out jogging. But there's a difference between someone grumpily trotting along and someone who's really on fire for running. Are you a passionate runner? These 14 things will tell you.

Even the best condition is not enough if it is not mentally right.
14 signs of real passion for running

Think you're an avid runner because you like to jog around the block in running shoes? It's possible that's true. To be on the safe side, take the test: These 14 things - not always meant to be taken seriously - will tell you how much enthusiasm you really have for jogging.

You're a passionate runner if ...

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1. ... neighbors see you jogging on Sundays with a bag of rolls in your hand.

While others are still sleeping, passionate runners slip into their running shoes early on Sunday morning to start their day off with a "sober run". Without breakfast and with a rumbling stomach, they tackle a longer lap to train their fat metabolism.

At the end, a stop at the bakery, then it's the last few meters home with the paper bag in the sweaty hand. The rolls appease the waiting family and replenish the empty carbohydrate stores.

2. ... you are happy on birthdays with a 0 or a 5 at the end that you have become a year older again.

Anyone who turns 30, 45, 60 or 75 slips into the next higher age group in running competitions, where they will then spend the next five years. The "newcomers" are the youngest for the time being - and thus have an advantage over the older ones. After all, the decline is greater at 44 than at 40, isn't it?

3. ... your grandma says you need to eat more.

Grandmothers who can't pinch their grandson's chubby cheeks to greet him, but instead slide down his cheekbone, sometimes react anxiously, "Child, are you eating enough?" For ambitious runners in the competition season, the best compliment ever!

4.'ve put band-aids on your nipples before.

No, the two blood-red spots on the right and left of the male marathon runners' jerseys don't look like blood. They are blood! If a shirt rubs up and down a man's nipples for 42.195 kilometers, there's not much of it left at the finish line. Once this happens to you, you'll never run without a band-aid again. Don't worry: pulling it off doesn't hurt half as much as a sore nipple.

5. ... your orthopedist greets you by your first name.

"Well, what's hurting us today? The knee again? Or the other Achilles tendon this time? Oh, the shin hurts? Well, let's take a look at that." There probably isn't an orthopedist who hasn't treated runners. The first question they usually ask after a diagnosis is: "When can I run again?

6. ... you don't think of letters when you say "running ABC".

Skippings, jump runs, lunges, heels, bounce hops, side jumps - passionate runners not only know what these are, but can perform all the exercises cleanly without getting sore muscles. The running ABC is not an alphabet, but a collection of technique exercises. If you include them regularly in your training, you will run with less effort, more light-footed, faster and guaranteed more beautiful.

Cindy Haase bloggt auf über das Laufen.
The exercises of the running ABC improve the performance during running sessions
Image credit:

7. ... you keep safety pins at home in packs of four.

The very small pins are best for pinning a race number to your chest. More elegant and more gentle on the shirt is a start number band, which is quickly annoying, however, if the number slips on the back again and again. Passionate runners not only have safety pins or bib tapes, but even know in which drawer both are kept.

8. ... you can spell the name Haile Gebrselassie.

The Ethiopian long-distance runner is a legend. He won two gold medals at the Olympic Games and four at world championships. The 47-year-old's best 10-kilometre time is 26:22 minutes, and he ran the marathon in 2:03:59 hours. Fans recognized him from afar by the somewhat strange position of his left arm. He explained this with his ten-kilometre-long way to school - on which he carried the books with his left arm. But what was the name again?

9. ... you have ever walked down stairs backwards because you couldn't walk forwards.

You think a marathon is hell? Well, you're wrong: The two days afterwards are. Even getting up is difficult, getting dressed is done sitting down, and you just drop off the toilet. If you've been smart, you work in your home office after a marathon or - even better - you've taken the day off and can just carefully sneak back and forth between the bed and the fridge. Less experienced - but no less passionate - runners have to get to work and possibly down a flight of stairs the day after the marathon finish. Don't even try - go straight backwards, it helps, I promise!

10. ... you learned all your mental arithmetic skills while running.

Passionate runners can convert kilometers into seconds and 400-meter split times into speed - even while running. They know what it means to run "five minutes seven per kilometer" and can calculate their half marathon finish time from that. If they miss their best time by just one second, they are annoyed, whereas "one second per kilometer" can definitely result in a new best time in a marathon.

11. ... you own and use a headlamp.

Passionate runners run in all weathers. They lace up their running shoes when it's raining outside or has been snowing for three days. When it's stormy, they don't stay at home, but put on a windbreaker; when the sun is scorching, they take along a hydration belt and put sunscreen on their arms. And in the dark? You can also walk - preferably with a lamp strapped around your head.

Laufen bei Dunkelheit? Mit der richtigen Ausrüstung kein Problem.
Laufen bei Dunkelheit? Mit der richtigen Ausrüstung kein Problem.
Image credit:

12. ... you eat a mountain of noodles before an important day.

How can you tell that tomorrow is a runner's big day? A huge pot of pasta is bubbling on his stove in the evening, enough to feed a whole family. The runner eats them all by himself - with low-fat sauce and a sprinkling of Parmesan, accompanied by non-alcoholic wheat beer. He eats pasta until he can't see any more, and then one more plate.

His aim is to fill his running muscles to bursting point with carbohydrate. Because the following day is the starting signal for the season's highlight: a ten-kilometre run, a half marathon or even a marathon. The noodles should do the trick and protect you from the man with the hammer (see below).

13. ... you know the man with the hammer.

He stands at every marathon course from about kilometre 30 onwards and strikes there mercilessly. Runners who were just running light-footedly in the runner's high shuffle along with a blank stare after his devastating blow, crave a sip of Coke or stretch their cramping calves while lying down. Dreams of best times that were just realistic burst like soap bubbles on the asphalt when the man with the hammer is around. Whoever gets the hammer has really stepped on the gas beforehand, misjudged his euphoria and hopefully doesn't have too far to go.

14. ... you've read this far.


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