
How to Attract Digital Talent to Your Business

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For companies in the sports business, digitally thinking employees are the key to digitization. But the competitive pressure is enormous: Start-ups and tech giants such as Apple, Amazon and Google are involved in the race for digital talent. The example of komoot shows how companies in the sports industry can attract the greatest talents.

Digitale Talente sind auch im Sportbusiness der Schlüssel für den Erfolg der Zukunft.
Digital talent is key to future success in the sports business.

With its outdoor app, the Potsdam-based company komoot lets adventurers worldwide find the most spectacular routes safely, stress-free and always up-to-date. But how was the company able to recruit digital-thinking employees when it was expected to grow enormously in 2017?

In our free whitepaper "From tomorrow on you can work wherever you want - using the example of komoot", the company gives valuable insights into how it was able to more than doubling the number of employees while reducing office space.

More About Digital Talents at the ISPO Digitize Summit

The whitepaper tells you among other things, how komoot became attractive for digital talents as an employer, which change process komoot underwent as an organization and which tools komoot used to manage digital tasks in the company.

The whitepaper explains how komoot implements change processes for a digital way of thinking among employees and, last but not least, how leadership works in a digital culture.

Further information, exciting lectures and helpful workshops on the topic "How the sports industry must position itself in order to attract digital talent" will be given at the ISPO Digitze Summit from 3 to 4 July 2019 in Munich.

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