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Germans have long since been accustomed to shopping online: 9 out of 10 people shop online and from mail order businesses. In 2016, EUR 72.4 million worth of goods was ordered. E-Commerce is booming – particularly in the clothing sector (EUR 11.2 mil)
Weekends are for internet shopping
So when does Germany prefer to shop? Among those who stated a preferred day in the bevh survey, Saturday ranked first (30%) – more than Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday together.

For those interested in the sports business sector (clothing, footwear), Saturday is particularly popular (34%). This is followed by Friday (20%) and Sunday (14%). Online shoppers show little interest in Monday to Thursday (in total only 32%).

In terms of time of day, 61% stated they prefer to do online shopping in the evenings, between 6pm and midnight. In the clothing and footwear sector that number is 63%.
Online shopping in Germany is “un-ritualistic”
“The number of consumers who shop at completely different
times of day (56%) and on different days of the week (80%) shows that digital purchase is no longer a case of ritual. Personal time frames and necessities determine online shopping and not the opening times of traditional shopping facilities”. So reads a conclusion of the bevh study.
ISPO offers a detailed study on the shopping habits of consumers in sport and outdoor business. You can find more information here. >>>
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