Times are changing, all day, everyday, a continuous stream of activity and a level of instancy and sensationalism that effect our lives, for Fall/Winter 20/21 we need to pull back a little to ensure we are right on track, as we pause, instead of galloping ahead all guns blazing.
The speed of artificial intelligence, digitalization and smart technologies that feature in our day to day lives continues, we need to be smart in how we can utilize the technology and ingredients at hand and get the most efficiency. In a landscape of uncertainty on a geo and political level, consumers need reassurance, especially through an emotional reconnection to touch and through the use of color.
Sustainability is no longer a trend, this is fact in all industries, and no more importantly than the textile sector as we look to new terminology from bio to circular economy products is painting the momentum. Now sustainability is engrained in the textile industry’s DNA. With emphasis placed on responsible manufacturing and sourcing, circular economy is the new eco buzz word.
Not achievable by all, due to the logistics of a circular economy, but it certainly instills the energy to continue investing in innovation for the linear industry. With no specific direction, the developments within sustainability have to take on a blanket approach if we are to make a difference. Every little helps at all levels of the supply chain. A new camaraderie emerges, we are a global team, with the traditional linear textile chain having a shakeup and a growing element in circular economy products.
Efficiency will be crucial in the survival of the sector throughout the entire textile chain, from clean ingredients, chip dyed yarns, innovative yarns that create interesting aspects with one dye bath, fabric that self heals when ripped and self launder. The efficiency wave continues through to garment production, as textile manufactures and brands collaborate in creating varying control and performance in panels within the fabric that eliminate seams. It is time to join forces and embark on an exciting journey of change.
ISPO Textrends has outlined three Mega Trends that are to define all levels of the industry for Fall/Winter 20/21.
Thinking smart is crucial to the advancement of technology and artificial intelligence (AI), as a super efficiency features. Embrace the change and work with it. We need to work technology to our advantage and still deliver a distinctive product. Smart on textile processing and sourcing, as there is a push in bio-synthetics as bio-mimicry comes to the forefront. Laser finishing, waterless dyeing through to 24/7 freshness through anti-door ingredients all feature. Trailblazing smart fabrics will come through from personal thermal regulation systems to reflective features and e-textiles.

Natural ingredients also feature, but are taken up to a new smarter level, but we also beed to think further, how can we deliver a more efficiently produced product to the consumer. Smarter fibers and finishes feature, but also this also transfers through to product design, with engineered technictity and a reduction of the sewing process. Intelligent fabrics that react and respond to different environments through to protecting the wearer. This mega trend embraces the galloping pace of change, but keeps us firmly fixed in the right direction.
We live in a global society of post truth and fake news. Nothing is as it seems, so for brands it is crucial to deliver what has been proposed. Millennials are trusting of their brands in being socially responsible but also truthful and transparent. The consumer is still very much in control, as the traditional supply chain has been disrupted by B2C partnerships. Total transparency is key, with ID tags defining recycled synthetics through to reducing carbon emissions and water to thermal regulation. Whatever the claims, they have to be credible.

The trust built between brands and consumers is fundamental in guaranteeing the best levels of performance, quality and design, a priceless element in guaranteeing brand’s future security with consumers. Having this clarity, there is a seismic shift in communication a mutual collaboration between brands and consumers in delivering understanding that the claims made are far from sensationalism but are in fact the downright truth, as honesty reigns.
We are losing touch with reality, there is a return to tactility and structures as we embrace a sea of emotional experiences. Fit and function teamed with sensational touch and high level performance create a strong sentimental direction as reassurance is a prerequisite. Whether it be color or structure, design or classic yarn combinations, it is essential we reconnect with these emotions that often get left behind as we rush through day to day life. A key emotional aspect is the haptic. Touch is crucial in creating an emotional connection, expect to see the latest innovations and high level of creativity in fabrics and trims, emerge with a heightened feel, a stimulating experience.

What happened to the art of conversation? Letter writing? Make a break from the isolation of modern technology, and feel our surroundings. Just stop for a minute and focus, reach out and enjoy. Living in tumultuously uncertain times, there has to be a feel good factor emanating for the season. Making that connection whether it be through enhancing performance or protection or just simple cocooning and warmth, it is important that fabrics and trims evoke a response and reaction. There has to be a dialogue between today’s smart ingredients and the demands of the consumer in creating the perfect partnership, paving the way to future success.
Taking the mega trend information to point, we are expecting some great new developments in all sectors of ISPO Textrends from outer layer through to base, trims and insulations. Applications for the next trend platform at ISPO Munich will be judged by the international jury of textile experts in October.
- ISPO TextrendsSustainable materials: trends fall/winter 26/27
- ISPO TextrendsMega Trends Fall/Winter 26/27
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