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Full house in the ISPO Award Area: At the OutDoor by ISPO the coveted trophies were awarded and the ISPO Award Winners 2022 were celebrated. Here are the impressions of the first ISPO Award Gathering.

More outdoor than in space does not go. Anyone who has been handed a magazine at the entrance to OutDoor by ISPO by friendly people in space suits probably came to the same conclusion. In the magazine are gathered under the heading "Outstanding Outdoor" the most innovative products and pioneers of the industry, which had been chosen as ISPO Award Winner. 

On the second day of OutDoor by ISPO, the time had come: on the ISPO Award exhibition area, the trophies were now officially awarded. Christina Rabl, Project Manager ISPO Collaborators Club/ISPO Award, and Christoph Beaufils, Brand Strategist Consumer Goods & Product Owner ISPO.com, presented the new award concept, which is more flexible and also more aligned with the brands' communication strategy. These can now apply throughout the year and not only at the trade shows.

But the winners still didn't want to miss out on toasting with the visitors, the ISPO Award team and the jury, exchanging ideas with other product developers and discussing designs. "It's also about meeting people and making new contacts," says Reiner Gerstner, Senior VP Marketing of ISPO Award Winner Schöffel.

ISPO Award 2022 ceremony in pictures

Public Choice Award: Ortovox Peak 35

This time it was also time for a special award: Twice a year, the ISPO Public Choice Award is presented among all ISPO Award winners. Here, end consumers from the community of the ISPO Collaborators Club vote on which ISPO Award product they like best.

The lucky winner in the first ISPO Public Choice Award 2022 is Ortovox with its Peak 35 high altitude touring backpack. About this award of the work of their product developers - the team was particularly pleased.

The Ortovox team wins the ISPO Public Choice Award with the Peak 35.
Image credit:
Fair Münchem GmbH