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In a worldwide comparison of countries, Chinese football fans are among the largest fan base. International football clubs have set themselves the goal of increasing their presence in China. After an initial cooperation at ISPO Beijing 2019, numerous clubs of the German Soccer League Bundesliga will again be represented at ISPO Shanghai. FC Bayern, Borussia Dortmund, Schalke 04, Borussia Mönchengladbach, VfL Wolfsburg and Bayer 04 Leverkusen will be on site this year.

Focus topic football at fair
International Football Forum at ISPO Shanghai
Football court at fair
Football Smartcourt
Focus topic football at fair
International Football Forum at ISPO Shanghai
Football court at fair
Football Smartcourt

Numerous football activities are planned at ISPO Shanghai with the club representatives, who will also inform about their club work at the International Football Forum, for example the promotion of young talents. In addition, the Red Card Report, an annual study on the influence of European football in China, will be presented. The report also provides valuable insights into Chinese fan behaviour and the different needs in Chinese football culture.

KickID x ISPO Smartcourt

Football fans can show their commitment and test their player qualities. The company KickID offers a real-time player analysis on an intelligent playing field with an area of 180 sqm, which is already used today in junior performance centres as well as in the professional league. The matches at the smartcourt last 8 minutes and are followed by an analysis. The players can compare their scores with professional football stars afterwards.

Date: Friday – Sunday, July 5-7, 2019
Opening hours: 9:00 – 16:00

Location: hall N1, booth 1.746

Test your own football skills and reserve your favourite 15 minute time slot on one of the three trade show days! Contact us at shanghai@ispo.com

Football Matchmaking Dinner presented by KickID

Right after the International Football Forum on Saturday July 6, 2019 football clubs can participate at the Football Matchmaking Dinner presented by KickID. Chinese and international clubs will exchange ideas and share experiences at this networking event.