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Megatrends in sports marketing: recognizing and exploiting future potential

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Sports marketing is a very dynamic area of sports management and has always been in a state of constant change. External influences such as technological innovations and legal, social or political changes constantly present new challenges to established business models, previously successful approaches and conventional approaches to sports marketing. The constantly and dynamically changing framework conditions with the resulting new opportunities, chances and possibilities quickly make previous marketing concepts in sport appear outdated and no longer up to date and therefore require appropriate action from the players in sports management in order to remain competitive in the future or to be able to remain competitive in the long term. The three biggest trends are examined in this article.

The principle of evolutionary theory, i.e. the principle of "survival of the fittest" postulated by Charles Darwin, also applies to modern sports marketing and figuratively states: in the long term, only those (companies) that have the ability to best adapt to the prevailing - and constantly changing - (market) conditions will survive. The term "fittest" does not mean "the strongest", as is often wrongly assumed, but stands for "the best adapted (to the currently prevailing conditions)".

Organizational adaptation as a recipe for success in the sports marketing of the future

In order to always be able to react appropriately to the latest developments and trends and to adapt one's own company to the new market conditions in the best possible way in terms of the economic concept of "organizational adaptation", it is therefore necessary for all stakeholders in international sports marketing:

  1. Continuously identify and understand the latest trends and innovations in the sports market
  2. Analyze and evaluate the resulting possibilities, opportunities and risks for their own company
  3. Make appropriate decisions and derive and consistently implement adequate strategies and recommendations for action

In this article we would therefore like to - in addition to this article - 3 further innovative developments and trends that are already having a profound impact on sports marketing and will have an even greater impact in the future. Knowledge and understanding of these phenomena is essential for decision-makers in sports management in order to position themselves competitively for the future.

The trends at a glance:

  1. Immersive and interactive virtualization of sports experiences
  2. Exclusive content and owned formats as a barely tapped marketing opportunity in sport
  3. Utilization of the possibilities of cross-over & non-endemic marketing

Immersive and interactive virtualization of sports experiences

The megatrend of digitalization is transforming large parts of our society and economy and is also having a profound impact on the sports industry. Among other things, innovative technologies and platforms are creating new opportunities to bring fans of various sports, clubs and competitions closer to the athletes and the action, thereby generating additional revenue potential for rights holders.

Two of the most notable developments in this area are augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). AR overlays the real world with digital information that can be made accessible to viewers during a game, for example. For example, (paid) statistics on players or moves can be displayed in real time on mobile devices, which interactively enriches the gaming experience. VR goes even further by enabling immersive experiences where fans can look around a virtual stadium or experience a match from a player's perspective, for example.

These technologies enhance the traditional spectator experience and create the opportunity for additional revenue streams through premium content. One conceivable option is virtual ticket sales for VR matchday experiences, which - in addition to traditional tickets - can be offered in almost unlimited quantities. The resulting even closer connection between sports, clubs, players and brands and the fans also offers new opportunities for monetization, such as through the placement of advertising in the virtual space, ticket sales or subscriptions.

These technologies have certainly been around for some time, but concretely usable offers in the sports sector only exist in a niche and have not yet reached the mass market of billions of sports fans worldwide.

Hans-Dieter Gurk, technology expert and Managing Director of digital marketing agency Fellowkids, also believes that "AR and VR technology is still in its infancy". He also predicts that "the big breakthrough of these technologies is still to come", which will "fundamentally change the way fans around the world perceive and consume sport" and therefore "these developments could revolutionize sports marketing in the future.

For precisely this reason, there is still immense marketing and revenue potential for sports rights holders such as clubs, associations, leagues and, above all, all organizers of sporting competitions in this area in the future. Further hologram technologies as well as innovative hardware solutions and glasses such as the Oculus Rift and Apple Vision Pro will further accelerate these developments.

Sports marketing decision-makers therefore have the opportunity to seize the moment and jump on board this future-oriented technology trend in good time. For competitive sports marketing of the future, it is important to identify the corresponding usage options now, create existing revenue potential in the AR and VR cosmos and implement them through appropriate product and service offerings so that your own company will benefit in the future by making the best possible use of the opportunities offered by these immersive technologies!

Initial approaches and examples

1st NBA Virtual and Mixed Reality Games
The NBA offers virtual reality broadcasts of games where fans can enjoy a 360-degree view of the court. This enables an immersive experience that differs significantly from traditional television.

2. augmented reality at the DFL Supercup

In addition to the AR usage option in the stadium, an AR offering for viewers at home is to be created in the future to make watching the match even more interactive and immersive.

3rd Manchester City VR Experience

The club has developed its own VR platform that allows fans to enjoy a virtual stadium experience. In combination with exclusive content and interactions, this creates a new form of fan engagement. For example, stadium tours or match broadcasts are offered in VR.

4th Formula 1 AR Experience
Formula 1 uses augmented reality to give spectators detailed insights into race cars and tracks. For example, fans can follow the race interactively from the driver's perspective and change their view independently or call up technical information and interactive 3D models via a special app.


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