
How Digital Should Outdoor Equipment Be?

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Digitalization is also reaching the outdoor world - from the automatic adjustment of a jacket's warming effect to the monitoring of body functions by sensors in a T-shirt. But what do outdoor customers really want and need? This is what ISPO Open Innovation and Jack Wolfskin want to find out in a survey.

Die Digitalisierung erreicht auch die Outdoor-Welt
Digitalization is also reaching the outdoor world.

A lot is already possible when it comes to clothing and outdoor. Recently, at an innovation fair for high-tech apparel textiles, for instance, an evening dress was presented that massages its wearer. There is also underwear that releases vitamins and minerals to the wearer.

In our survey, we want to know which technical possibilities are already being used for walking, hiking, climbing, cycling or other outdoor activities and which would still be useful as added value in the outdoor equipment of the future. But we also want to know which digital possibilities are undesirable. As a reward for the 10 to 15 minute answer to the questions, 200 participants will receive a culture bag from Jack Wolfskin. The winners will be drawn by lot.

Outdoor Trends Are Becoming More Varied

A lot is changing in the outdoor sector. In addition to the achievements mentioned earlier, there are shirts for adults and romper suits that measure heart rate or pulse rate. Even a display woven from fibres – which could theoretically be used to show the weather forecast on sweaters or backpacks – is already being developed.

Perhaps particularly interesting for outdoor freaks is a jacket with down-filled air chambers that can be "inflated" or deflated by means of a micro pump. Just like birds, you should be able to regulate your body temperature.

Survey About the Wishes of the Community

One thing is certain: Digitalization has already reached the outdoor industry and will play an important role in the future. For many outdoor fans, however, the experience of nature without technical gadgets is especially important. So what do people expect and want from their outdoor clothing in the next years? Click here to participate in the survey.

OutDoor by ISPO: The launch conference in pictures

Frank Quiring, Mitglied der Geschäftsführung bei Rheingold, während der Round Table Discussion einer der Speaker auf der Bühne. 
Frank Quiring, Mitglied der Geschäftsführung bei Rheingold, während der Round Table Discussion einer der Speaker auf der Bühne.