Sports Business/04/27/2018

Puma: Martin Benda new General Counsel at the sports brand

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Puma has a new General Counsel. Martin Benda comes from the beverage manufacturer Coca-Cola and will in future lead the legal department of the sports company. After 20 years of operation, his forerunner has taken a new path.

Martin Benda leads the legal department of the sports company Puma.
Martin Benda leads the legal department of the sports company Puma.

The Herzogenaurach-based sporting goods company Puma has appointed Dr. Martin Benda as its new General Counsel with immediate effect. In this function he reports directly to Puma CFO Michael Lämmermann.

Benda succeeds Jochen Lederhilger, who has been responsible since 2006. After 20 years of operation, Lederhilger left the company at his own request to become self-employed as a lawyer.

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Puma presents good quarterly figures

The 49-year-old Benda began his career at Mannesmann Mobilfunk (now Vodafone) after completing his doctorate in commercial law at the Georg August University in Göttingen. In 2001, he joined the Coca-Cola-Company, where he held positions including Legal Director for the UK and Ireland and Senior Legal Counsel for Central and Eastern Europe.

In this week Puma presented strong quarterly figures. The sporting goods group got off to a good start in the financial year, mainly thanks to its business in China. The profit of the Herzogenaurach-based company rose to 67.4 million euros, which corresponds to an increase of almost 36 percent.