Sports Business/05/02/2019

Sports Retail: Sneakers on the Rise

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Sports shoes are the top-selling men's shoes in Germany, and sneakers are a trend among women in particular - these are the key findings of the "Industry Report Shoes 2019" for the sports trade.

Sportschuhe sind bei Männern sehr beliebt.
Sports shoes are very popular among men.

"2019 Will Be a Sneaker Year"

572 million euros were spent on men's sports shoes in Germany in 2018. With this figure, the Sport models outshine all other shoe types. Among women, most of the money was spent on sandals (610 million euros). Sneakers are on the advance, for which 592 million euros in sales were made across both sexes (men of which only 137 million euros).

"2019 will be a sneaker year", announces the market research institute Marketmedia24 in its study on the situation in the German shoe market. Accordingly, 71.3 percent of female digital natives, 68.6 percent of luxury consumers and 55.7 percent of women with a migration background plan to purchase sneakers in the near future.

This is good news for the sports industry, as more and more brands and retailers are focusing on sneaker lifestyle. At ISPO MUNICH 2019, for example, the large dealer organisation SPORT 2000 announced that it had successfully established itself in the market with its "Sneaker Force" offer for specialists. With its new lifestyle brand Keller X, the premium online retailer Keller Sports is also dedicating itself specifically to this lucrative segment. According to CEO Marcus Trute, the company is the "leading point of contact for re-defined sports lifestyle with high-fashion focus, techwear, progressive sneakers and limited collab products". Meanwhile, the big sports brands are at the forefront of sneaker development. Nike, for example, launched high-tech sneakers at the beginning of the year, which automatically adapt to the shape of the foot and can be changed in their fit via an app.

Sneaker sind bei den Frauen mit Abstand am beliebtesten.
Sneakers are by far the most popular among women.
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E-Commerce Sales on the Rise

When it comes to purchasing behavior, the shoe industry is also increasingly moving into the e-commerce sector. With a market share of 22.8 per cent, distance selling moved closer to stationary shoe sales outlets (51 per cent). Overall, Germans spent an average of 349.72 euros per capita on their shoes in 2018. This is a drop in sales and the Bundesverband der Schuh- und Lederwarenindustrie e. V. (Federal Association of the Shoe and Leather Goods Industry) expects a further drop in sales in the current year, at best a constant business development.

Further interesting results of the "Branchen-Report Schuhe 2019" ("Industry Report Shoes 2019") for the sports industry: Luxury consumers calculate just under 74 euros for kids' outdoor and trekking shoes. In general, there is a trend for consumers to remain willing to spend money on sports shoes. Also positive: the sports retail trade has been able to increase its percentage of the competition among shoe sellers among younger people, top earners, migrants, digital natives and luxury consumers.

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