
How Sustainability Influences Purchasing Decisions in the Fashion Industry

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More and more consumers are placing value on a sustainable fashion industry. But it is often not clear to them whether fashion brands are actually sustainable. A new study shows how manufacturers and online retailers can position themselves better and what consumers pay attention to when making purchasing decisions.

Die Marke Patagonia setzt sich schon seit Jahren für faire Arbeitsbedingungen und nachhaltig produzierte Kleidung ein. 
For years, the Patagonia brand has been committed to fair working conditions and sustainably produced clothing. 

More than half (52%) of the consumers in the USA and Great Britain want a sustainable fashion industry. However, almost as many consumers (45%) do not know which fashion brands and retailers are committed to sustainability. This is the result of a recent study by the personalization platform for e-commerce and retail Nosto, on which 2000 consumers were surveyed.

What is exciting is that half of the respondents said they preferred to buy clothes from brands they know are committed to sustainability. Conversely, 28 percent would forego future purchases if it became known that the brand did not care about sustainability.

And 32 percent of consumers would even be willing to pay more for a brand's sustainable clothing. At the same time, 46 percent say they would rather buy clothes that were sustainably made than buy them just because they came from a well-known brand - and 29 percent would pay more for a sustainably made version of the same item.

The Most Sustainable Sports Brands in Pictures

The Tankr snowshoes from Fimbulvetr are a prime example of sustainability. They are 100% recyclable and the company gives a lifetime warranty and repair facility. In 2017 they received the ISPO Award in the Eco Achievement Hardware segment.
NZERO's 100% sustainable waxes for snow sports are based on natural ingredients: A mix of soybeans and corn. This means they do not need any chemical additives. NZERO was also awarded the ISPO Award for Eco Achievements Accessories in 2017.
The Tierra Products Deterra Hooded Anorak is the first quilted anorak made from 100 percent natural materials. Only renewable raw materials are used. Not for nothing did the 2017 jacket receive the SPO Award in the Eco Achievement Apparel category.
The Grown Outdoor Creativity Lab specialises in the design of regenerative design solutions. An example of this is their ski "MonViso Hemp edition", which combines systemic design, natural, local materials with innovative production methods. In 2018 Grown received the ISPO Award in Eco Achievement Hardgoods.
The small company RÖJK focuses 100 percent on sustainable innovations. These can also be found in the Badland Jacket. Here timeless, versatile design is combined with traditional and natural materials. The focus is on bio-based and biodegradable components. In 2018, the brand won the ISPO Award 2018 in the Eco Achievement Apparel segment.
The Green Shape Core Collection is at the heart of Vaude's sustainable development. Each product consists of 90 percent organic, recycled or pure natural materials. For this, Vaude received the ISPO Award 2018 in the Eco Achievement Brand segment.
Cortazu verbindet in seinen Produkten Stil, Funktionalität und Nachhaltigkeit. Für seine Recycled Nylon 3-Layer Jacket hat Cortazu in Zusammenarbeit mit Green Threads ein leichtes 3L-Stretchgewebe aus 100 % recyceltem Nylon entwickelt. Das Nylon stammt aus postindustriellen Abfällen. Für die innovative und umweltfreundliche Hochleistungsjacke wird die niederländische Outdoor-Marke im Jahr 2019 ISPO Award Gold Winner im Segment Outdoor Apparel.
The Sordo boat from Berg Outdoor became Product of the Year in the Urban segment. This shoe is completely biodegradable.
Founder Markus Wiesböck from Grüezi Bag is delighted to receive the Product of the Year award at the ISPO Award in the Outdoor segment for the Biopod Downwool Nature sleeping bag. It consists of 100 percent pure natural materials - from the packaging to the last button.
The Tankr snowshoes from Fimbulvetr are a prime example of sustainability. They are 100% recyclable and the company gives a lifetime warranty and repair facility. In 2017 they received the ISPO Award in the Eco Achievement Hardware segment.
NZERO's 100% sustainable waxes for snow sports are based on natural ingredients: A mix of soybeans and corn. This means they do not need any chemical additives. NZERO was also awarded the ISPO Award for Eco Achievements Accessories in 2017.
The Tierra Products Deterra Hooded Anorak is the first quilted anorak made from 100 percent natural materials. Only renewable raw materials are used. Not for nothing did the 2017 jacket receive the SPO Award in the Eco Achievement Apparel category.
The Grown Outdoor Creativity Lab specialises in the design of regenerative design solutions. An example of this is their ski "MonViso Hemp edition", which combines systemic design, natural, local materials with innovative production methods. In 2018 Grown received the ISPO Award in Eco Achievement Hardgoods.
The small company RÖJK focuses 100 percent on sustainable innovations. These can also be found in the Badland Jacket. Here timeless, versatile design is combined with traditional and natural materials. The focus is on bio-based and biodegradable components. In 2018, the brand won the ISPO Award 2018 in the Eco Achievement Apparel segment.
The Green Shape Core Collection is at the heart of Vaude's sustainable development. Each product consists of 90 percent organic, recycled or pure natural materials. For this, Vaude received the ISPO Award 2018 in the Eco Achievement Brand segment.
Cortazu verbindet in seinen Produkten Stil, Funktionalität und Nachhaltigkeit. Für seine Recycled Nylon 3-Layer Jacket hat Cortazu in Zusammenarbeit mit Green Threads ein leichtes 3L-Stretchgewebe aus 100 % recyceltem Nylon entwickelt. Das Nylon stammt aus postindustriellen Abfällen. Für die innovative und umweltfreundliche Hochleistungsjacke wird die niederländische Outdoor-Marke im Jahr 2019 ISPO Award Gold Winner im Segment Outdoor Apparel.
The Sordo boat from Berg Outdoor became Product of the Year in the Urban segment. This shoe is completely biodegradable.
Founder Markus Wiesböck from Grüezi Bag is delighted to receive the Product of the Year award at the ISPO Award in the Outdoor segment for the Biopod Downwool Nature sleeping bag. It consists of 100 percent pure natural materials - from the packaging to the last button.

What Buyers Are Looking For

According to the Nosto survey, consumers pay particular attention to five aspects when it comes to sustainable fashion. These are at the same time starting points for companies to become more sustainable and to score points with consumers:

  1. Reduction of packaging volume (75 percent of consumers)
  2. Ensuring fair pay and good working conditions (74 per cent)
  3. Use of renewable and recyclable materials (73 percent)
  4. Producing clothes that last longer (71 percent)
  5. Use fewer resources such as electricity, water, materials (64 percent)

Improvement Proposals for Online Retail

Nosto also asked what online retailers could do to encourage buyers to buy sustainable clothing. The five most important answers:

  1. clearly label clothes that are produced sustainably (74 percent)
  2. Offer discounts for more sustainable apparel ranges (62 percent)
  3. Advertise more clothing that is produced in a sustainable way (62 percent)
  4. Online shoppers can exchange their used garments for discounts on new items (54 percent).
  5. Automatically display more sustainable alternatives to selected items in the online shop (43 percent)

Nosto sees transparent and offensive communication as a great opportunity for fashion brands and retailers to successfully combine environmental protection and brand growth. Especially the confusion about which fashion brands are sustainable offers opportunities to distinguish oneself.