Sports marketing

  • Sports Business
    Whether you call them influencers or brand ambassadors, it doesn't matter: former basketball star Kobe Bryant (nicknamed "Black Mamba") and Nike, like David Beckham and Adidas, are successful examples of long-term partnerships that work across the entire marketing mix and within communications across all media genres.
    Digitalization is also revolutionizing sports sponsoring. Marketing managers are increasingly shifting their budgets from print, radio and TV to the Internet, especially to social media. These are the biggest trends in sponsoring 2019 in pictures.
  • Sports Business
    Laura Dahlmeier wird bei Olympia künftig auch vor Allianz-Werbebanden laufen.
    Allianz will become a partner of the International Olympic Committee in 2021. The company will then advertise for the first time at the Winter Games in Beijing in 2022. The Munich-based insurance group expects this to lead to increased interaction with new target groups.
  • Sports Business
    Adidas CEO Kasper Rorsted und DFB-Präsident Reinhard Grindel verkünden die Verlängerung.
    Adidas remains the supplier of the German Football Association. The sporting goods group strengthens its sponsoring philosophy. After the weak World Cup in Russia, the DFB gains planning security – and hopes to have improved its starting position for the award of the 2024 European Championship.