
Good Intent for 2019: Germans Want to Do More Sports

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The Fitness-Start-up Freeletics surveyed 1200 employed people about their intentions in 2019. Sport is a central part, but that it works the employees need understanding employers.

Zusammen trainieren: 2019 soll endlich mehr Sport gemacht werden.
Training together: in 2019, more sport should finally be made.

In the new year, the majority of Germans are striving for a more active and healthier life that increases life expectancy. This is the result of a survey conducted by the fitness start-up Freeletics among more than 1,200 professionals. 60% of working Germans want to live more actively and healthily in the new year.

In addition, 80% of those surveyed would like to do more sport in 2019. The majority of Germans say that regular sports make them feel more balanced, relaxed and even happier. 9 out of 10 professionals believe that a healthier, more active lifestyle increases their life expectancy.

Every Fifth Interviewee Feels That Working Days Are Stressful

But as is the case with good intentions: Often they are not observed. Every fifth respondent feels that every second day is stressful. Regular sport, which makes him more motivated and productive, therefore often falls by the wayside.

This also has an impact on working life: 81% of working people say that they work a little or less concentrated on stressful days. More than half of the respondents admit to doing less sport than normal during stress. And this despite the fact that the majority of them are convinced that regular sport gives them more energy, motivation, productivity and concentration in everyday life.

The 8 Most Important Fitness Trends for 2019 in Pictures

What are the big fitness trends of 2018? lists the most important changes this year. These are the trends in pictures.
Trend 2, Wearables: The networking between Smartwatch, chest strap and smartphone is now working smoothly. So good that in the end only the smartphone and sensors in the clothing may soon be needed to analyze tracking data.
Trend 3, groups: Through communities and apps, fitness also becomes more of a team sport, which is much more fun for many than individual training in the studio.
Trend 4, operational fitness: Many companies help their employees and install training equipment themselves on the company premises. Or the employees save costs with their membership in the studio.
Trend 5, HIIT: Before 2018, HIIT was still number one in the survey of the Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine. Now the highly intensive interval training still occupies third place. Efforts are called for.
Trend 6, networked devices: Thanks to intelligent software, training becomes more pleasant because more and more devices automatically adjust to the respective user and his performance.
Trend 7, senior fitness: "The growth in the area of senior fitness is the consequence of a broad acceptance of the fitness industry", says Prof. Dr. Niels Nagel, which is particularly due to the "positioning as a health provider".
Trend 8, Competitions: Who is the fastest in my friends list? Competitions are becoming more and more popular, especially among younger people. Measuring oneself is the trend.
What are the big fitness trends of 2018? lists the most important changes this year. These are the trends in pictures.
Trend 2, Wearables: The networking between Smartwatch, chest strap and smartphone is now working smoothly. So good that in the end only the smartphone and sensors in the clothing may soon be needed to analyze tracking data.
Trend 3, groups: Through communities and apps, fitness also becomes more of a team sport, which is much more fun for many than individual training in the studio.
Trend 4, operational fitness: Many companies help their employees and install training equipment themselves on the company premises. Or the employees save costs with their membership in the studio.
Trend 5, HIIT: Before 2018, HIIT was still number one in the survey of the Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine. Now the highly intensive interval training still occupies third place. Efforts are called for.
Trend 6, networked devices: Thanks to intelligent software, training becomes more pleasant because more and more devices automatically adjust to the respective user and his performance.
Trend 7, senior fitness: "The growth in the area of senior fitness is the consequence of a broad acceptance of the fitness industry", says Prof. Dr. Niels Nagel, which is particularly due to the "positioning as a health provider".
Trend 8, Competitions: Who is the fastest in my friends list? Competitions are becoming more and more popular, especially among younger people. Measuring oneself is the trend.

CEO Challenge or Operational Fitness

Freeletics is therefore launching the CEO Challenge this year, in which CEOs from all industries are expected to take part. Corporate fitness, a fitness trend of the year 2019, is another way to motivate employees to work for a healthy lifestyle and a productive working day.