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At a symposium hosted by ISPO Munich and Adidas, Adidas Chief Sales Officer Roland Auschel explained the potential offered by digitization in the sports industry. The contact with the customer could be made much more intensive. ISPO is also the ideal global industry platform for the exchange of ideas in the sports industry.

Adidas is firmly convinced that everything that can be digitized will also be digitalized. This Adidas guideline was the focus of a speech by Roland Auschel, Chief Sales Officer.

In sport, one has incredible opportunities to produce completely different products with the help of (consumer) data, and one can move much closer to the consumers, said Auschel: "There are incredible opportunities to communicate today, but also to develop together."

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ISPO central industry platform for the sports industry

Looking at ISPO, Mr. Auschel made it clear that Adidas sees ISPO Munich as a central, global industry platform. Every good industry, every good branch of industry, has its centre, its centre, has a platform on which it discusses," said the sales director.

Adidas believes that this forum, if you look around the world, can only offer ISPO. "ISPO can be much more than a place where physical products are presented. We believe that can - or must - evolve into a forum where industry meets and exchanges."

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